Have You Ever Had Imposter Syndrome? Meet Tsuki in this Comic to Find Out More

Here is part two of Tsuki’s journey. Many of us deal with cognitive distortions that affect usfrom time to time. Artist and designer Shoili Kanungo explores more in this original artwork, a comic strip for The Health Collective

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Art for Mental Health: Social Distancing and ‘Skin Hunger’

Touch Deprivation or Skin Hunger is a very real phenomenon which can cause you to feel stressed or anxious. Artist Shoili Kanungo shares her art work and video to depict what 100 d

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The Negative Spiral: A Comic Strip on Cognitive Distortions

Tsuki’s Cognitive Distortions by Shoili Kanungo is a sharp look at the negative spiralling that can occur and how we can often internalise criticism

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