*Also (correction) the Tweet copy meant to say 303,000*

Read about ‘The Age of Anxiety‘ in The Hindu here

Read about ‘The Age of Anxiety‘ in The New Indian Express here
Read our in-depth interview on The Age of Anxiety on Bookish Santa here

Mad in Asia Pacific: A Book Review
Young Mental Health: Mindscape Series – A Book Review
As I grapple with the unforeseen changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel both elated and weighed down. Elated, because my creativity keeps me buoyant despite the gloom around me. Weighed down, because my inner reserves of patience do need some time to get replenished. I am happy to see more reportage about the mental health implications of this global crisis but I also feel worried about the alarmist tone often used to sensationalise such a crucial subject.
The desire to locate a friendly resource introducing the subject of mental health led me to the book Young Mental Health, published by Simon & Schuster India. Apart from the fact that it was released on my birthday, what appealed to me was its intention to support adults keen on having conversations about mental health with children and adolescents. Indian families often struggle with talking openly about mental health issues, especially when relationships are determined by patriarchal hierarchies.
Read the review here
The Indian Express Podcast: The Sandip Roy show
Episode 31: Understanding depression, the invisible illness, with Amrita Tripathi
(August 2019)
Unlike many other illnesses, depression can be an invisible one. According to the national mental health survey, 150 million Indians suffer from depression which requires immediate intervention. And yet, we don’t talk about it. Perhaps because we don’t know how to talk about it. In this episode, Sandip talks to Amrita Tripathi, the founder-editor of the Health Collective, who has recently co-written a book with psychologist Arpita Anand called ‘Real Stories of dealing with Depression’, which tries to open up conversations about depression and tell us that we are not alone in dealing with it or trying to help some about one who has it.
World Mental Health Day 2019: A new book explores the many faces of depression and provides a wealth of resources
Partha P Chakrabartty Oct 11, 2019
- Real Stories of Dealing with Depression includes a range of first-hand experiences with depression, including a full section on depression and motherhood.
- The most important and consistent takeaway is that there is life beyond mental ‘illness’. Let nobody, not even psychiatrists, tell you otherwise.
- One disappointing facet of the book is that it devotes too many pages to what experts have to say; I�d hoped this book would be more about our experiences.
- Nevertheless, this is book is a good start, an important ally for people dealing with depression, and also includes great illustrations and resources.
Real Stories of Dealing with Depression is the first book in Simon and Schuster’s ‘Mindscape’ series. The book includes a set of first-person accounts and informative articles written by mental health professionals. It is put together by Amrita Tripathi, the founder-editor of The Health Collective, an online portal focused on providing a safe space for conversations about mental health, as well as information and resources. She is assisted in this book by psychologist Arpita Anand, who offers a psychologist’s perspective on each account.
Books on mental health have slowly started to appear on the Indian landscape. Noteworthy titles include Shubhrata Prakash’s The D-Word, which is the testimony of an IRS officer — someone who has, by every Indian middle-class standard, made it — about her struggles with depression. Prakash is one of the ten people who have offered first-person accounts in this book as well. Another book that caught my eye was Vijay Nallawala’s A Bipolar’s Journey.
Read more on Firstpost here
The Wellness Of The Mind: An Interview With Amrita Tripathi, Founder Of The Health Collective
- Amrita Tripathi was a ‘health’ journalist for a while and has now moved to the next stage of setting up an online portal, a go-to place for anyone wanting to understand or share their mental health experience.
Amrita Tripathi is the founder-editor of The Health Collective, an online portal dedicated to stories of mental health and mental illness in India. The site features more than 200 stories, including original reportage, expert commentary and first-person stories.
Read more on Swarajya here
Depression, and dealing with it: Real accounts of people sharing their journey towards healing
Daily O | August 2019
We need to talk about depression. But are we striking the right conversation? The book Real Stories of Dealing With Depression, tries to arrive, through personal accounts, on a viable solution.
Read an excerpt of the book here on Daily O
The News Minute
Book review: ‘Real Stories of Dealing with Depression’ is the need of the hour
Amrita Tripathi and Arpita Anand’s new book, an anthology, has first person accounts of people learning to cope with depression
Dr Nimeshika Jayachandran | Wednesday, July 10, 2019
“There are many who live fragile lives and are at the ‘deep end’ — filled with complete darkness and despair. There are the ‘undetected many’ who float in the middle — often experiencing a steady underlying sense of sadness,” writes psychologist Meera Haran Alva. She, like many others, works to help spread awareness about depression. Even as the discourse surrounding mental health and depression in particular, has certainly improved over the years, there still remains a larger lack of understanding about it, People remain in denial and are oblivious, choosing to ignore symptoms out of the sheer lack of understanding of how such a disorder could be manifesting in their daily lives.
It is here that the book ‘Real Stories of Dealing with Depression’, compiled by Amrita Tripathi and Arpita Anand, comes into the picture to bridge these gaps.
The book is divided into the following four sections: Living with depression, Understanding therapy, Motherhood and depression, and Self-care for the caregivers. Each section showcases stories of people who have confronted depression themselves, those who have been caregivers to a depressed individual, and also medical professionals who work with such patients on a regular basis.
Read more on The News Minute
Business Standard

Health Collective building platforms to address mental health, illness
Globally, reports say one in every four people is likely to face a mental health challenge at some point in their lifetime
Sneha Bhattacharjee Last Updated at May 18, 2019
Amrita Tripathi was a journalist for 15 years before she founded the Health Collective — a safe space for conversations, trusted information and resources on mental health in India.
The organisation represented who she was, as well as what she thought the mental health arena needed: Dialogues in a safe space around problems such as depression via accessible, conversational reporting, and story-telling. “Today we have about 200 stories on the site — a mix of original reporting, expert columns and very powerful first person stories on living with conditions like depression …
Radio Mirchi
Featured in Radio Mirchi’s podcast MindGames (on Mental Health) (February 2019)
Huffington Post India
Why Is It So Hard To Find Good Mental Healthcare In India?
Despite high levels of mental illness in India, psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals are in short supply, and we lack both the resources and empathy needed to repair our failing systems.
Feature Image: Art by Ameya Dabholkar