Out Now: Life Interrupted, Understanding India’s Suicide Crisis

This book aims to present evidence-based strategies to tackle suicide, using interviews, case studies, and conversations that lay readers can make sense of, while proposing an outline of steps that policy makers, journalists and key stakeholder groups can collaborate on to provide better solutions and save precious lives in India.

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Three Years Of Pandemic Living: The Kids Are Not Alright

There are many differences in how distress shows up in children, and nowhere more perhaps than this pandemic. Learn more in this excerpt from psychologist Nupur Paiva Dhngra’s book In Love and Rage

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From the Asylum to the Mental Hospital: Tracing India’s Journey

Author Daman Singh set out on an ambitious quest to research and understand India’s journey in the mental healthcare space — from the ‘lunatic asylums’ of the 18th century, to the emergence of a more scientific and humane approach in the early 20th century.

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