‘Depression is not something that happens to weak people’

In this episode of Health Collective Talks, Amrita Tripathi speaks to mental health advocates with lived experience Shubhrata Prakash and Arjun Gupta (who is also a counselling psychologist). What are some myths, misconceptions? And what do they want you to know about their journey? Let’s find out.

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Tackling Taboo and Stigma, One Mental Health Convo at a Time

In this episode of The Health Collective Talks, Amrita Tripathi interviews Suchita Bhatia, the host of The SOS Show with Suchita, to ask about her journey with mental health, what she’s learned through 109 podcast episodes on Mental Health, and some of the myths she wants to bust. She has a key message for each of us, so do watch, share and let us know your comments.

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Health Collective Talks: It’s All in your Head M and No Straight Thing was Ever Made

What is it like to write a personal memoir on living with a mental illness, and what kind of reactions have readers been sharing? We ask authors Manjiri Indurkar and Urvashi Bahugana.

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Does Mental Health in India have a Fake News Problem?

In this episode of Health Collective Talks, Amrita Tripathi speaks to the co-founder and chief of Product for Quilt.AI, Dr

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Health Collective Talks: ‘Worst Stereotypes are Ones You Believe’

Living with Anxiety and Depression, young Mental Health Advocates Arjun Gupta and Ayushi Khemka share some reality checks including how they cope, things that have helped them and some of the big challenges, in conversation with Anindita Chatterjee.

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Health Collective Talks: The Death of an Office and other Covid-19 stories

What is the biggest change going to be to your work-life in the after (Covid-19) times? We speak to Anindita

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Health Collective Talks: The Anna Chandy Interview

Why has this year been so disappointing when it comes to the dialogue around Mental Health in India? And what

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