Young India Speaks Out: Mental Health, Myths, and Misconceptions
What does Mental Health mean to you?
Mental health is an essential and significant topic, and various psychologists refer to it as the optimum level of one’s physical, psychological, spiritual, and social functioning. However, according to me, it differs from person to person. A person with a physical ailment may be completely satisfied with their life. Or, a person with issues in their relationship may still be okay. It is subjective to the person.
Mental health, according to me, is when you’re at peace with yourself, your flaws, and your successes. It is when, no matter what you gain or lose, you are satisfied with your life because you’re genuinely happy. It is when you can face stressful situations without getting overwhelmed and believing in yourself that you can get through them no matter what.

What is one mental health myth you want to bust?
One mental health myth that has bothered me a lot is that people with mental health issues are viewed as weak-spirited and cowards. I have heard it from various people in my social circle, and this mindset is so deeply fixated within a lot of people that even educating them sometimes has no effect.
We must realise that sometimes not being able to cope with difficult situations can lead to mental health issues, which is a completely normal response. It does not make them weak. Anyone can develop a mental illness. This is not about weakness or power. In fact, recognising that one needs help and asking for it is the most courageous thing we can do.
Khushi sibal
What is one thing you want to change when it comes to mental health/ illness in India?
A: Awareness.
I have been around 3 sets of people in my life. One, that is completely oblivious to these issues. Second, people who know these issues exist but still refuse to acknowledge that they can happen to anyone. And lastly, people who are highly sensitised and educated, to the point that they think that everyone else is too. They don’t realise that India still lacks awareness by a great margin and that people still treat this topic like a taboo.
It is impossible to completely abolish mental illnesses since the factors causing them cannot be manipulated by us. However, we can try to lower the rates or effects by educating everyone and reaching out and offering help to others. It is okay to go through mental health issues; you are not alone; help is out there, just reach out.
Khushi Sibal, 19, is a student at Keshav Mahavidhyalaya, DU
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