Does Mental Health in India have a Fake News Problem?

In this episode of Health Collective Talks, Amrita Tripathi speaks to the co-founder and chief of Product for Quilt.AI, Dr

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AI reveals India’s Mental Health Concerns: Quilt.AI shares its findings

Singapore-based Quilt.AI analyses public and private searches on Mental Health to reveal what Indians are searching for, and the impact of micro-influencers on Stigma.

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Health Collective Talks: ‘Worst Stereotypes are Ones You Believe’

Living with Anxiety and Depression, young Mental Health Advocates Arjun Gupta and Ayushi Khemka share some reality checks including how they cope, things that have helped them and some of the big challenges, in conversation with Anindita Chatterjee.

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India for Mental Health: In the Covid-19 era, is our disability pension system failing those who need it the most?

For many persons with psychosocial disabilities across India interviewed for the India for Mental Health Fellowship piece, disability pension was insufficient, inconsistent or nonexistent during the lockdown.

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Health Collective Talks: The Death of an Office and other Covid-19 stories

What is the biggest change going to be to your work-life in the after (Covid-19) times? We speak to Anindita

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