About The Health Collective

The Health Collective is a trusted source of content around Mental Health and Mental Illness, where stories are told and shared from an India lens. Set up by journalist and writer, Amrita Tripathi, the site and social media pages are a safe space for conversations on Mental Health. Stories include commissioned, original reportage, expert columns and first person stories, as well as comics and Art for Mental Health. 

In 6 years, we have published 460+ stories, a mix of commissioned content and first person stories on living with conditions like Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Comics for Mental Health, a series on Understanding Therapy, a series related to COVID-19; We have crossed over 300K views on the site, and been featured in the national and international media

All traffic has been organic and via word-of-mouth, with zero marketing costs. 

Partnered for content creation/ events with FICCI, Roli, Simon & Schuster India, featured on Al Jazeera, NDTV, CNN-News18, Business Standard, RJ Ginnie’s show, RJ Aniket’s… and more 

Languages: English, Hindi and  New series Launched (July 2022): Tamil 

Events: Celebrating Health Collective @ 6: Let’s Talk

Video Series: Health Collective Talks, Ask the Experts and more



The 3-book ‘Mindscape’ series:
1. Real Stories of Dealing with Depression (Amrita Tripathi, Arpita Anand | 2019),
2. Young Mental Health
(Tripathi, Meera Haran Alva | 2020 ) and
3. Age of Anxiety
(Tripathi, Kamna Chhibber | 2021)
4. Life Interrupted: Understanding India’s Suicide Crisis (Tripathi, Soumitra Pathare, Abhijit Nadkarni / 2022)


About us: The Health Collective in the Press

More on: Team Health Collective 

WATCH: What is The Health Collective: Video (2 min)


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Our Journey: Working with trusted mental health experts, we started step-by-step, to list out the basics you need to know; aggregating a list of helplines/ resources available, as well as vetted psychologists and psychiatrists, so that when you need someone, you’ll be able to find someone trusted close to you. The Health Collective is privileged to be consulting with leading psychologists and psychiatrists — From Dr Amit Sen of Children Firstand Dr Achal Bhagat of Saarthak, to Dr Samir Parikh of Fortis Healthcare, to Kamna Chhibber (Head, Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare), Meera Haran Alva, Arpita Anand,Varkha Chulani, and Prof Vindhya Unudurti of TISS, Hyderabad and many others, whose interviews and articles feature on our site. 

Media Friends: Please do not hesitate to reach out for information on resources to report responsibly (including on how to report responsibly on Suicide)

We are committed to providing a platform for you to get credible information on Mental Health and Mental Illness from an India lens, and a safe space for you to share your story, if you like. You can be as anonymous as you like, and you can also engage with a lovely community that is coming together right here.

You will hear this more than once from us: You’re not alone.